“Music is therapy even when used for pure listening pleasure.

As we relax the body and mind, breathing becomes deeper and we are pulled into the music, where we become more focused and attuned to ourselves and the world around us.”

Raffaele Baldassaro (2008)

This blog is for you!

I would love to share your favorite songs and stories with the world, if you'll let me? :)

E-mail: musicistherapy@hotmail.co.uk

Tweet . About Me . Myspace . My Music . Youtube

Thankyou x

Saturday, 30 October 2010

These Arms Of Mine.

For eighteen year old Aimee Holtham a song that has moved her is none other than Otis Redding's 'These Arms Of Mine.'

She explains why:

"Although it didn't change my life in a momentous way, the passion that is put into the song always moves me. I very rarely hear a song in which you feel the artist means every word, but this song has such emotion behind the lyrics and the vocal that you are able to lose yourself in the song."

"It is a beautiful piece of music that I think so many would appreciate."

Thankyou for sharing your song, Aimee! :)

I hadn't heard the song before but I can't help but smile while listening to it. 
It's very soulful and I can see why you like it Aimee!

Check out the song below!!!!


Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Guns & Horses.

Okay, so I don't like the number 13 (which was the last post) and I have a presentation tomorrow.. But that aside I just wanted to share an experience I had today...

So, I was having a stressful/bad day, as you do and I was carrying a heavy bag walking home from the train station in the pouring rain. 
My ipod was on shuffle. And the Monsieur Adi Remix of (Ellie Goulding's) Guns & Horses came on.

Somehow I managed to forget my bad mood, where I was and that it was raining. I suddenly began smiling and forgot where I was for that mere 4 minutes and twenty six seconds. 
(As cliche as that sounds, it was a good feeling!)

I just wanted to share the little bit of happiness I had today, with you!

I'm sure some of you can relate to this, probably associated with better music though, right? 
Aha :)

(Excuse the below-average quality of the song. It was the best one I could find!)

Also if anyone's a fan of running or exercise in general?

I thoroughly recommend Ellie Goulding's Run Into The Light E.P.

I cannot tell you how much it has pushed me to burn more calories at the gym! 
Aha! I love it :)

Thanks for reading!


Summer of '69.

For Clare Payne, a 1st year Theology Student, her favorite song is 'Summer of '69'.

She explains why:

"That's a very difficult question about my favourite song! In terms of music I'd have to say 'Summer of '69' by Bryan Adams. Just because if I'm ever feeling sad, that's always the song to make me feel better because of the guitar and the power and emotion bryan puts into the lyrics."

Very simply put, Clare!

As I write these entries, I would just like to point out - I listen to the songs in question on repeat to try and understand why the particular song sparks interest. 

While listening to this song I find myself swaying unconsciously to it and nodding my head! - I've always loved this song too. Good choice!

Check out the video below! 

& thankyou Clare for sharing! :)


Sunday, 24 October 2010

Time Of Your Life.

For 19 year old Crystal Smith, Green Day's 'Time of Your Life (Good Riddance)' has made a substantial impact on her life.

She tells me why:

"There are many songs that have changed my life or make me smile when I hear them but this song in particular has had the biggest impact on my life.

I have suffered from depression and anxiety since I was 16, I had it all under control until I turned 19 and things started going wrong for me, I was in a bad place and unable to see any good or any happiness in my life even though now I can see that it was full of it.

And one day I had my iPod on shuffle and this song happened to play and I listened to it and liked it then I replayed it and listened to the lyrics. The lyrics put a lot of perspective on my life, “Another turning point; a fork stuck in the road. Time grabs you by the wrist; directs you where to go. So make the best of this test and don't ask why.” I realised that even though I was going through a difficult patch it was a point in my life that I was meant to go through, there was a reason for this journey in my life, I needed to learn from it and just relax and try to be calm.

“It's something unpredictable but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life.” These lyrics sum up my life, all the time I plan and try to prepare for life then something that I didn’t expect to happen, does and it always turns out to be right and perfect. Like my choice of studies, which was very unpredictable and random but never, would I change it and ending up being with my girlfriend and moving my life to the other side of the country. I now embrace fate and unpredictability."

Thankyou so much Crystal for sharing :)

It really is refreshing to read these kinds of stories from you guys and find that music really does help us when we least expect it. I'm so glad that everything is going well for you now, too :)

 Personally, I'm not much of a Green Day fan, but I have liked this song from the first time I heard it. Also, I find that a lot of songs I love have come from just listening to my ipod on shuffle :)

Be sure to check out the video below!


Saturday, 23 October 2010

Beautiful Flower.

For Lisa Russell, a fellow 3rd year Commercial Music Performance student, 'Beautiful Flower' is her inspiration.

She explains why:

"One of my faviourite songs for inspiration is "Beautiful Flower" by India Arie. It talks about encouragment and making positive changes in our lives. It also highlights the beauty we as females all have within us and the possibilities to achieve anything we set out to do - which is something we sometimes forget."

Please take the time to watch/listen to it.
It's a really beautiful song and after listening to it once I can see why Lisa treaures it so much.

These lyrics speak to me in particular: 
(from the chorus)

Cause you're beautiful like a flower
More valuable than a diamond
You are powerful like a fire
You can heal the world with your mind

There is nothing in the world that you cannot do
When you believe in you, who are beautiful
Yeah, you, who are brilliant
Yeah, you, who are powerful
Yeah, you, who are resilient

Thankyou Lisa for sharing your song :)

Also make sure you check out Lisa's blog:
---> The Music Blog Shop <---
& join the facebook group here.


Wednesday, 20 October 2010

City Lights (& More.)

Kieran Murray, a Second Year Architecture Student, kindly gave me a small list of four songs he considers his favorites.

"I have a number of favorite songs, i couldn't just pick one. 

'City Lights' by Diz Gibran is the first - I first heard his track on this video, it's a very chilled song and I suppose that's what I love about it.

Secondly, Burn It To The Ground by Nickelback (which is also the theme tune to wrestling!) I just think its a really good song, the guitar definitely drives the song. I love it - along with the rest of the album.

Songs that just generally put a smile on my face are:

In Too Deep by Sum 41 
Never Get Enough by Das Pop (I saw them when they supported Alphabeat & I've loved them ever since)

I've never had an experience of songs saving my life or anything, but music i suppose can have that effect on some people."

Thanks Kieran for sharing your favorites :)
It's nice to see you have a selection and it's okay that a song hasn't changed your life too. We're all different and that's what makes this blog more interesting to read and for me to write about! 


Monday, 18 October 2010

Lost. (& thankyou!) :)

Just a quick note to everyone who has e-mailed/forwarded their stories so far.



Remember this blog is about YOU and it's been really refreshing to read all your thoughts on your favorite songs so far.

For those of you who are reading and would like to contribute?

Please don't be afraid to e-mail me:

Follow me on twitter:

&/or 'Like' the Facebook group
Last Night A Smith's Song Saved My Life

It would make my day :)

Meanwhile I'm gonna leave you with one of my favorite songs at the moment. It accompanies me on the tube to University and makes me think. My interpretation of it is 'being in a relationship and being completely engrossed in it that you lose all train of thought. And simply feel lost.'

I suppose this sums up my life at the moment - I'm so busy with University and am feeling the general pressure of life and what's expected of me. 
I just feel a bit lost.

Anyway, here's KT Tunstall's 'Lost'

Enjoy! :)


(What's The Story) Morning Glory?

For David Osborne, a Student studying Economics at City University; Oasis' '(What's The Story) Morning Glory' is easily his favorite!

He explains why:

"(What's The Story) Morning Glory, really makes no sense if you think of the lyrics. This opens it up to your own interpretation. And my interpretation of the song is based completely on one line "Another sunny afternoon, walking to the sound of my favourite tune, tomorrow never knows what it doesn't know too soon" Which, makes me think of just being in an absolute state of happiness, not just superficial, but genuine. It's something like being in the ideal world. 

That being said, the guitar solo as well makes me feel a state of elation. It's nothing fantastic, just a pentatonic progression, but when you put it with the whole song, it really hits me as something magical"

Click here to watch the video! 

I've known David for years and I sort of knew he was gonna describe an Oasis song - he's loved them since forever. Personally, I'm not much of an Oasis fan but I do like this song and can't help but enjoy the melody of the bridge/chorus where Liam Gallagher sings 'Need a little time to wake up'. Makes me feel like I should be motivated! 

Thankyou David for sharing your story :)


Also interested in Economics? 

Check out David's Blog here 
He writes for the 'The Schumpeter' 
(The Economics Society Magazine, City University)


Saturday, 16 October 2010


Daniel Udall, a 20 year old musician, shared with me his story about his favorite song:

"I have many songs that inspire me, and many songs I prefer listening to than the one I am choosing as my favorite song at the moment. But it isn't so much the tune itself that caught my attention, it's the lyrics that influenced me and helped me through a hard time, and that song is 'Pieces' by Sum 41." 

He continues:

"I recently split with my ex and struggled coming to terms with it. I was very self analytical trying to dig out what I could have done differently to save the relationship, but then I realised that if I am doing that 'I'm better off on my own', a line from the song that really inspired me. Another line is 'I tried to be perfect, it just wasn't worth it'. These words encouraged me to move forward, rather than try to change what had already happened."

Thanks Danny for sharing your story! :)

I heard this song probably about five years ago and I like it too! The song is seriously high in emotional content - but that's what I love about it. And not only that but it concludes that there is light at the end of the tunnel as Danny said himself!

Here's the official video for you to check out: 
(you know you want to)


Friday, 15 October 2010

You Gona Want Me.

For Kate Callaghan, a 3rd year History Student; the song that stands out the most from her record collection is 'You Gona Want Me' by Tiga.

She explains why: 

"My favourite song is 'You Gona Want Me' by Tiga. It reminds me of really daft teenage times because it came out when I was about 14 and even now when I hear it I still love it! It might not have saved my life but when I heard it (through doing work experience at a music magazine) it made me sure that discovering new music and writing about it was what I wanted to do in the future!"

I only heard this song last year but I have to agree it's such a feel-good indie tune :)! Dunno about Kate, but it certainly makes me want to dance haha!
Anyways, here's the video - Enjoy!

& thanks Kate for sharing your story :)


Tuesday, 12 October 2010

In The End.

For Elizabeth Eames, a pre-school assistant; her taste in music dramatically changed after she first listened to Linkin Park's 'In The End'.

In her words she tells her story:

"When i was in year 9, none of my friends at the time liked the music I really enjoyed listening to. So when i first heard Linkin Park, I was hooked! Soon after I finally found some people who liked them too (who I eventually became friends with). I guess that song 'In The End' changed my further taste in music, the friends I made, the clothes I wore etc. 
So that song and that band probably did change my life to some extent."

I loved this song the first time I heard it too!
In fact I like it so much I'm gonna post the video here for you to listen to/watch
Rather than link it!

& thanks Elizabeth for sharing your story :)


Sunday, 10 October 2010


Electra Gerolymbou, a 3rd year English Literature student at university shared with me her story. Thus explaining why 'Freckles' by Natasha Bedingfield is important to her:

"Basically when I was younger, and at school I didn't have too great a time. I didn't have any friends and was constantly teased about how I looked and my weight. Now I believe that this song reflects me perfectly - it still does."

She also explains what the song means lyrically: 

"It's essentially a song about how a person who is practically perfect without any imperfections, isn't neccessarily what people want. As the song says 'a face without freckles is like a sky without the stars'."

To listen to Freckles please click here

I hadn't heard of the song before Electra told me about it but lyrically it is beautiful and so very true! Beauty isn't just skin deep, it's inside what counts :)

& thankyou Electra for sharing your story :)


The Show Must Go On.

For Sandie Jones, a 17 year old college student 'The Show Must Go On' by Queen is enough for her.

In her own words she describes why:

"I haven't got a song that has had an impact in my life or changed it or anything. But this song always reminds me not to give up and to chase the dream. I think this particular song just highlights why we should continue with what we strive for."

Although Sandie claims the song hasn't 'had an impact on her life,' I'd probably disagree as a song that makes you 'never want to give up' has got to be a powerful thing. And a really great powerful thing at that!

To listen/watch the video of Queen's The Show Must Go On Click here 

& thanks Sandie for sharing your song :)


Friday, 8 October 2010

Introduction Pt II.

I just felt the need to add to the introduction and start by introducing myself properly!

The name is Jenny Greenway.
I'm 20. A student. From London

Hi :)

I have created this blog for like-minded people to share their thoughts, stories and favorite songs. I'm currently at University at the moment studying Commercial Music Performance - which I love but I am also really interested in music, psychology and therapy too. 

As an aspiring music therapist myself, I really like the idea of how music can provide therapy for anyone at all and how we all respond differently to different songs. We all have favorite songs which can make a bad day a better day and it's been really lovely with the stories I have gathered so far. As not only am I learning about other people but also my music taste is kind of evolving, from being shown songs that I never even knew existed!

 Although I can't write about every single person in the world, I'd love to cover as many stories & songs as possible. And it's not just the stories that fascinate me but as I said there are some songs out there that are great but don't get the recognition they deserve!

Therefore, this is the place to not only share your experiences but also music that you think other people should listen to too!

Thankyou! (whoever you are) for reading :)!

Just to clarify, this blog is about YOU 
- but I will express my opinions regularly and only in a positive way.

Anyway, here's a few things I'd like to share about myself:

I sing, play guitar, bass, ukulele & a bit of keys
no drums here.

Check out me myspace. Ta x

My newest addition to my instrument family is none other than..

yep. It's a Hello Kitty guitar :)

Oh. & I played at Somerset House in July 2009 :)

err and now all that is irrelevant to music and the like...

Diet Coke is necessary for essay writing.

I'm a short person; 5ft2. Yay!

My cat is hilarious!

I'm terrible at Top Golf.

I love tea, green tea and lattes.

Reading Festival '10. Was a blast!

I drive :)

Aha! Randomness is a must in my life.

Food is amazing :)

Oh and so is sleep!

Finally, my desk is NEVER this tidy.

Amongst many, many other things!